Whether you already have the designated space or you are building a new facility, take the guesswork out of how to do it!
I have designed work spaces and fingerprint labs in closets, corners and multi-million dollar buildings. Trust me, there is more to it than simply rearranging furniture. Storage, examination space, growth potential, ventilation requirements, accreditation requirements, health and safety, chemical drainage, equipment needs, and evidence standards are just a few of the necessary considerations when looking to complete this venture.
With FEDS, LLC on your side, you can count on having the space you envisioned without the "uh-oh" factor. Not familiar with the uh-oh factor? Your newly designed space now has equipment that doesn't fit. Your new machines don't do what you thought they would. Health and Safety concerns prevent you from working in your newly designed space. Evidence storage and chain of custody standards are not adequetly accounted for. Accreditation standards force you to shut down your newly devised plan. How do I know about the uh-oh factor? I've been there. And it becomes more costly and time consuming to correct the errors than to do it right the first time.
Let me help you get the space you need to do your job in the best way possible - the right way.